The First Post!

I was advised a blog was a good thing to have, but I have to confess I wasn’t convinced. Yet, when I mentioned it to friends they wholeheartedly agreed, telling me that readers like to know something about the author of books they like. But me? I then thought if people didn’t want to read it, they wouldn’t. It’s not like I’m inflicting myself on anyone. The worst I could find was that I was writing it for myself!

The last time I wrote, or should I say kept, a diary was in my early teens and it was one of those five-year diaries. It turned up many years later in a box of long forgotten things and my brothers and I had a great laugh looking through it. I must’ve been the most boring teenager on the earth! It was so mundane it was hysterical. So, to repeat many of my early school teachers, I must try harder.

The year thus far has been an amazing ride. Not quite a rollercoaster as I can’t particularly recall any downs, but it’s definitely been filled with the thrills of one. It all started in January when my brother saw my book available for pre ordering on Amazon. I’d never envisaged ever getting excited about shopping on-line! Not long after this, a delivery man stood on my doorstep with a parcel from my publisher, Bella Books. I’m not sure what he thought of the grinning fool as he fought to get his electronic signature pad to work. But once alone, the box was ripped open and I skipped around the dining room with my book in my hand. I didn’t have too many people to phone as few knew I was actually writing a book and quite frankly it was just as well. I could have been on the phone for days.

The reason not many people knew is that I’m normally quite a private person and I was still in the closet at work. I was actually happy at just having my book published and knowing that my family and close friends wanted a copy. It was friends that thought I should be letting everyone know and when you have one friend, like one of the ones I have, the choice no longer becomes your own! I was outed at work in a matter of minutes and I have to say, my world hasn’t changed at all. Not for the worst anyway, in fact only for the better. I’m now not afraid to admit I’m a lesbian and don’t attempt to hide it like I did. It’s been incredibly liberating after all these years! I’m not sure about anyone else, as many of the lesbians I know are strong women, but it was my straight friends who forced this issue. It’d taken all my courage to tell the three I’d known for years and they didn’t bat an eyelid. One might have twitched a little, but on the whole, they wondered what my problem was! Life can be a very strange thing.

It did take a bit of time to get used to the idea that everyone now knew I’d written a book and a lesbian romance, with sex, to boot! I also felt it wasn’t the best I could’ve written, or just not up to the standard I expect from the authors I enjoy reading. Having said that, after two successful mini book signing events, my friends constantly telling me I should be proud of what I’d accomplished, good or bad, I did start to think, well yes, maybe I should be proud.

Writing was never something I thought about doing seriously before. Yet, I’ve found I really enjoy it. I knew very little about the process of publishing and I’m beginning to learn how important promoting yourself appears to be. It’s all a huge learning curve and an exciting one for the likes of me. I’m not sure how long all the fun and enjoyment will last, but as long as it does I’ll continue to write.